How to Find Us
Groundlings Theatre can be found in the heart of Portsmouth and is right next to Gunwharf Quays and Portsmouth Historic Dockyard.
We have a car park on site that is managed by YourParkingSpace. You can pre-book your space in advance by searching location ID 1784 via www.YourParkingSpace.co.uk or by downloading the YourParkingSpace app and searching ID 1784.
Please note: Groundlings Theatre staff are unable to help with any issues related to the car park and all parking queries must be directed to YourParkingSpace.
We are a 5 minute walk from trains, buses and ferries! The closest train and bus stations are Portsmouth Harbour and The Hard Interchange. The Isle of Wight Passenger Ferry along with the Gosport Ferry are based at these locations.
Groundlings Theatre is a Grade II* listed building and unfortunately does not have disabled access to the upstairs where our auditorium is located.
Groundlings Theatre has a bar that serves a varied range of alcoholic and soft drinks including tea and coffee and a range of snacks and ice cream. The bar is open for a minimum of 45 minutes before performances and during the interval. Interval drinks can be pre-ordered, please ask a member of bar staff for further information.
Age restrictions are stated where possible but please do check with Box Office before booking for any under 18s to ensure the show is suitable. Most shows are suitable for children, with parental guidance. For events that permit the attendance of under 18s, children aged 12 or under must be accompanied by someone over the age of 16. No responsibility is accepted by The Groundlings Theatre Trust or any of its employees for unaccompanied children.
Groundlings Theatre, 42 Kent St, Portsmouth, PO1 3BS
Tel: 023 9273 7370
Email: office@groundlings.co.uk
You can buy tickets online 24/7, please see under “What’s on”.
We operate flexible hours outside of those when the theatre is open for drama school, performances and venue hires. Therefore please do call or email to arrange an appointment in advance.